Luminex announced today that their Channel Gateway mainframe virtual tape products are now available with 32GB/s FICON speeds. Luminex is the world’s first company to offer the latest advancements in FICON speeds and with this announcement continues to demonstrate its mainframe technology leadership.

As organizations begin to implement the latest data center networking technologies, Luminex offers the ability to immediately extend these benefits to mainframe data. With new 32Gb/s FICON speeds, customers can be confident that their investment will continue to serve them through future infrastructure upgrades.

Mainframe tape storage products often have an operational life of a decade or more. Implementing anything other than the most advanced technology today can result in long-term use of antiquated technology during the life of the product.

“All mainframe customers should demand roadmaps and delivery commitments for 32Gb/s FICON from any mainframe virtual tape vendor they consider to ensure long-term product viability in their datacenter,” according to Brian Hawley, CEO of Luminex. “Luminex continues to demonstrate our commitment to providing mainframe customers with best of breed technology, products, and service.”

Visit Luminex at to learn how it is leading the industry in delivering modern mainframe virtual tape products. Customers worldwide are using the Channel Gateways to eliminate physical tape for backup and disaster recovery processes and even to completely eliminate physical tape in all of their mainframe operations.


Luminex is a provider of mainframe data and connectivity solutions and is best known for its industry-leading Mainframe Virtual Tape (MVT™) solutions.

Luminex MVT, featuring Channel Gateway™ X (CGX), allows mainframe enterprises to eliminate or reduce physical tape, improve RTO and RPO, lower operating costs, improve security, archive to the cloud and provide continuous availability for tape processing.

Luminex solutions are installed in all major industries worldwide, from entry-level to high-end mainframe environments. MVT solutions are supported by Luminex subject matter experts (systems engineers) for presales, consulting, tape studies, throughput and capacity sizing, and tape migration services.


  • MDI: Mainframe data integration & sharing
  • MVT: Mainframe virtual tape solutions family
  • STM: Synchronous Tape Matrix, continuous availability solution for tape operations
  • Push Button DR: Disaster recovery and testing with “push button” ease
  • CGSafe: Encryption and Key Management for MVT and T2S
  • CloudTAPE: Archive tape data to public and private cloud storage
  • T2S: Entry-level ECKD DASD

Luminex Software, Inc.

871 Marlborough Avenue
Riverside, CA 92507


Media Contact:  Julia Martin
Tel: 1-951-781-4100
Fax: 1-951-781-4105
Email:  [email protected]